Solar Monitoring

Inefficiencies at the module, string, and system-wide levels can be detected by tracking electrical output side-by-side with precise calculations of the site’s solar irradiance, temperature, and wind conditions.

Solar monitoring refers to the effort by solar project operators to continually observe and optimize the output from a solar power plant. A variety of meteorological parameters are collected at the site and used as the basis upon which to evaluate the system’s electricity generation.

Inefficiencies at the module, string, and system-wide levels can be detected by tracking electrical output side-by-side with precise calculations of the site’s solar irradiance, temperature, and wind conditions. This information can be used to trigger real-time maintenance and to build optimal long-term preventative maintenance and cleaning programs specific to each site.

We leveraged our expertise in the design and manufacture of complete meteorological systems for the wind energy industry to create our SRA System, which is purpose-built for solar resource assessment. Because solar monitoring weather stations require the same set of measurement parameters, this system transitions seamlessly from pre-construction resource assessment to post-construction monitoring with a simple change-out of the communications device, providing a consistent resource measurement record throughout the history of the project.